Given the extensive network of food recovery organizations that StoHunX was able to interview and gain the favor of, we have a clear-cut path in terms of scaling up our operations. Our marketing strategy will allow us to bolster our operations and further supplement our current resources and connections. However, when it comes to funding, there may be difficulties with scaling up our idea. Though we do have this extensive network and connections, there may be variabilities in our funding sources since we would have to compete with other aspiring entrepreneurs and domains that are seeking out the various funding that we are receiving.
Our learning of entrepreneurship and innovation from HonorsX has informed and helped prepare each member of StoHunX for real-world experience. Being a part of HonorsX highlighted the need for project management: working in teams to innovate, delegating roles, and working professionally among team members.
But most true to the HonorsX nature was the opportunity to work in interdisciplinary teams, which each member would not be exposed to should they not have been a part of a program like this during their undergraduate experience. Each member learned to take the bits and pieces from their disciplines and apply them to the experiences of students majoring in different areas to ultimately co-create a project or innovation. Because at the end of the day, this experience in HonorsX is reflective of any real-world career or academic goal—working with interdisciplinary teams and people with different backgrounds and expertise in order to solve any problem.